Sunday 21 July 2024

Swindle BT-09

BT-09 Destron Supply Soldier Swindle
● Function: Supply Soldier
● Transformation: Jeep Wrangler TJ Custom
One of the first wave of evil Binaltech soldiers resurrected from the 'Bad Production Incident,' caused by the Destrons' takeover of the Binaltech Project. A specialist in black market trading and weapons manufacturing, he developed a modified Cosmic Rust tactical weapon and was responsible for triggering the Binaltech Project, which affected numerous Cybertron warriors. Although he appears to have a friendly and easy-going personality, he is actually an extremely greedy, self-centred opportunist. He added his own name to the top of the list of candidates to gain a Binaltech body, overriding the injured who should have been given priority.
STR...5; INT...9; SPD...5; END...6; RNK...6; CRG...5; FPR...7; SKL...10

Tech Spec values are taken from Hirofumi Ichikawa's initial notes

Sunday 14 July 2024

Meister BT-08


Profile (Translated from the Character Card) 
BT-08 Cybertron Lieutenant Meister
● Function: Lieutenant
● Transformation: Mazda RX-8
Well-versed in Earth's culture and trusted as Commander Convoy's right-hand man, Meister was one of the few members of the Cybertron Earth Command to escape the ravages of Cosmic Rust. However, to carry out a top-secret investigation crucial to the survival of the Binaltech Project, his consciousness was transferred to a transformable body made by Mazda. This provided him with a more discreet appearance and GT System-compatibility, resulting in his rebirth as a new Binaltech warrior. In conjunction with his partner, a replica automaton, he utilises his superior intelligence to execute dangerous missions with style.
● Weapon(s): Photon Rifle, Flamethrower
STR...5; INT...9; SPD...7; END...7; RNK...8; CRG...9; FPR...5; SKL...10

Tech Spec values are taken from Hirofumi Ichikawa's initial notes